Ovale Cream Anti Kusam+Ovale Facial Lotion/Cleanser in Papaya
Ovale krim anti kusam
Packagingnya imut :*
Udah mau abis harus beli lagi :3
Buat kalian yang ingin tau pro & cons produk ini
- Harganya murah
- Mudah didapat
- Fungsinya sama, membantu mencerahkan wajah
- Mudah didapat
- Fungsinya sama, membantu mencerahkan wajah
- Tersedia banyak varian (Ovale Lotion)
- Wanginya enak (Ovale Cream)
- Melembabkan (Ovale Cream)
- Base yang bagus buat makeup (Ovale Cream)
- Base yang bagus buat makeup (Ovale Cream)
-Kandungan alkoholnya terlalu banyak (Ovale lotion)
-Baunya nyengat ! jangan dihirup deh (Ovale lotion)
-Perih kalo kena mata,maybe krn alkoholnya (Ovale lotion)
Note : "So far, I love this products..but we know that we all have a different skin types..so I cannot recommend for you all..if you have sensitive skin, or oily, or dry skin type, I don't know if it works for you or not..but my skin type is combination. oily in the T areas and dry on the cheeks. and this products works for my skin..they does makes my skin looks brighter and smoother .
Ok I hope this helps you,and don't forget to follow my blog up!I'll foll u back..Ok bye now n c ya cantik :*
Ok I hope this helps you,and don't forget to follow my blog up!I'll foll u back..Ok bye now n c ya cantik :*