Ovale Cream Anti Kusam+Ovale Facial Lotion/Cleanser in Papaya
Ovale krim anti kusam
Packagingnya imut :*
Udah mau abis harus beli lagi :3
Buat kalian yang ingin tau pro & cons produk ini
- Harganya murah
- Mudah didapat
- Fungsinya sama, membantu mencerahkan wajah
- Mudah didapat
- Fungsinya sama, membantu mencerahkan wajah
- Tersedia banyak varian (Ovale Lotion)
- Wanginya enak (Ovale Cream)
- Melembabkan (Ovale Cream)
- Base yang bagus buat makeup (Ovale Cream)
- Base yang bagus buat makeup (Ovale Cream)
-Kandungan alkoholnya terlalu banyak (Ovale lotion)
-Baunya nyengat ! jangan dihirup deh (Ovale lotion)
-Perih kalo kena mata,maybe krn alkoholnya (Ovale lotion)
Note : "So far, I love this products..but we know that we all have a different skin types..so I cannot recommend for you all..if you have sensitive skin, or oily, or dry skin type, I don't know if it works for you or not..but my skin type is combination. oily in the T areas and dry on the cheeks. and this products works for my skin..they does makes my skin looks brighter and smoother .
Ok I hope this helps you,and don't forget to follow my blog up!I'll foll u back..Ok bye now n c ya cantik :*
Ok I hope this helps you,and don't forget to follow my blog up!I'll foll u back..Ok bye now n c ya cantik :*
kalau misalnya saya cuma peke cleanser aja bisa memutihkan gak?
BalasHapusfollback kak :)
BalasHapusKok ndak adaa no reg bpom nyaa? Jd ragu mau pake'
BalasHapusPasti jelas ada no reg bpom nya ya. Ini kan productnya kino group.
BalasHapusada spf nya ga?
BalasHapusItu Krim Wajahnya Buat Kulit Berjerawat ga ?
BalasHapusMau beli yg ovale anti kusam nya dong
BalasHapusGimana cara dapetin nya
Sekarang carinya langka yg cream anti kusam😭 padahal dulu cocok banget
BalasHapusItu belinya dmn ka
BalasHapusBli d mna ya krim ya
BalasHapusSekarang sudah langka.Pdahal wktu SMA aku cocok bgt.Karena udah langka jadi berhenti,nyari lagi gak pernah ketemu .
HapusBisa Beli dimana